Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Option 1 Amadeus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Option 1 Amadeus - Essay ExampleIn his confession, Salieri describes how his professional jealousy led him to force Mozart to frame his own coronach mass, which Salieri intended to steal from him and present to the world as own harmonyal work (Amadeus, 1984/2002).Salieri also describes how the fateful turn of events lead Mozart to die, his requiem mass unfinished, along with the murderous plot of Salieri for Mozart also imcomplete (Amadeus, 1984/2002). This writer chose this film for analysis, because the music of this film is inextricably connected with the central plot and its unfolding. This kind of a film on a musical genius could not have been possibly made without incorporating his musical works into the film. Every crucial dramatic importation in the film is linked to what these two musicians were doing in the field of music. Hence this film is a rare instance where the plot and music tracks merge inseparably into each other.It is music that generates the theme of this film , leads it to its climax and gives it a sense of purpose. The film opens with the Symphony no.25 in G Minor, K.183 composed by Mozart, as the opening assign are displayed. The calling of the name, Mozart, in the opening sequence has a timing that fits rhythmically into the accompanying musical bit (Amadeus, 1984/2002). The composer, Salieri is seen trying to commit suicide and organism taken to the hospital when the symphony plays on, but not continuously- there are dramatic breaks that let the dramatic events to unfold. And after this symphony stops, there is the noises of the crowd, which reminds one of the rapturous crowds inside a musical theatre after a concert. But then the visuals show that it was the noises inside a mental asylum. Here, it can be seen that the music suggests what is going to happen, prepares for the forthcoming shock, mourns the tragic events, but yet withdraws at the crucial moment as if it is least bothered. This

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